
Kapan itu ajak si anak kicil kriwil ini naik angkutan umum berdua aja. Di jalan dia tidur, pas sampai langsung bangun.

Begitu turun dari angkot, dia tanya:

“Mom, how does the driver know where we’re going?”

“Because I told him to stop.”

“But how does he know which way to go?”

Oh iya ya dia kan belum diajarin konsep rute atau trayek angkutan umum :))

Kemudian pas turun dari bus trans jakarta, mommy bantu dia lompat.

“Mom, I like traveling with you”

“Oh, good to know. Why?”

“Because you’re kind, helping me to jump. It’s like an adventure, so fun!”

“Really? So you’re happy?”

“Very much!”

Ooohhh… *uyel2*

#lifewithkids #supereasykid

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