[gallery] Ahpoong Sentul If you happen to pass by Sentul, in between Jakarta and Bogor, then do drop by at Ahpoong Sentul City. You won’t regret it! You’d be happy to spend time there with family or your loved one. Very nice ambiance, lotsa choices of delicious Indonesian food & beverage. If you drive, I suggest you park inside Belanova Mall, because pa…
Read more[gallery] Before & After Camera 360 Iya, itu saya. Semuanya :D Baru2 ini saja saya memakai aplikasi Camera 360. Iya, iya, ke mana aja saya ya. Sudah lama install tapi baru akhir2 ini menggunakannya. Jadi saya baru tau, ini toh rahasia (tapi sudah bukan rahasia lagi) yang bikin para wanita tiba2 terlihat mempesona di semua akun sosial medianya. Sim salab…
Read more[gallery] Seeing this, I just remember my Indonesian male friend once said, “In general, only American men want to marry American women because they’re too independent and exalting equality. And in general, Japanese men only want to marry Asian women because they always want to be served on everything.” And tonight I just had conversation with American guy …
Read more[gallery] Google Indonesia actually has been in Jakarta since March 2012. But just recently they moved to a new office in Sentra Senayan II, 28th floor. Honored to be among their first guests last week (27Nov13). Google offices always keep the startup feel & spirit. There’s no boundary between any level, all googlers are equal. Even the CMO’s desk is ri…
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