Minggu malam lalu, dd V nangis sesegukan. Kami semua bingung kenapa. Sejam kemudian setelah benar2 reda, baru dia mau bicara. Rupanya, daddy salah gantiin buku pelajarannya. Harusnya buat Senin, daddy bawain buku yg hari Jumat. Biasanya dia ganti buku sendiri, tapi karena dia ngantuk berat dan sudah malam jadi daddy bantuin gantiin. Mommy tanya apa dia wakt…
Read moreSehari sebelum bersenang-senang di Singapore, hari Minggu 12 Oktober lalu mommy daddy M&V diundang ke event #BarbiesDayOutID di MKG3 Jakarta. Daddy sampai mengundurkan jadwal terbangnya dari jam 11 siang jadi jam 6 sore, dan tergopoh2 ke bandara usai acara :D *Thank you daddy, kiss2* Kami tiba 15 menit lebih awal dari undangan jam 10, ternyata mall ny…
Read more[gallery] My kinda lucky day :) Unlike 9/11 13 years ago when tragedy happened in US or 9/11 last year when tragedy happened in my life, 9/11 today I got so much blessings, praise the Lord! Lucky #1 : Morning, had tiramisu coffee treat by Shirley in Starbucks Lotte while we’re having chat and topic discussion for the next posting in LiveOlive.com Lucky #2 :…
Read more[gallery] Si kk baru pertama kali nyoba outbond, biasanya dia takut nyoba tapi kali ini tumben dia sendiri yg minta. Jadi kita hargai kemauannya dengan menuruti permintaannya. Awalnya dia kesenengan tapi begitu mulai melangkah di atas langsung ketakutan. Kita terus semangatin dia dari bawah. “You can do it M!” “Lihatnya lurus ke depan aja” “Pegangannya lebi…
Read more[gallery] So, here’s to answer the question of my previous post. What I would do, is not only spending time, but also creating moments to remember with my precious ones. Spent the whole day swimming and having fun at The Jungle, had early dinner in Rumah Sumsum, played guessing games along the way home, and watched Frozen in Fox Movies at home. It ain’t as …
Read more[gallery] Last year I was in Las Vegas and Los Angeles on my birthday. Left Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas Strip and had road trip to California with great view along the way, then went to Santa Monica pier directly. Got a surprise birthday treat from Carlos, our LA’s local host. He asked: “What would you possibly do today if you’re in your hometown now?” I…
Read moreLast year I was in Las Vegas and Los Angeles on my birthday. Left Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas Strip and had road trip to California with great view along the way, then went to Santa Monica pier directly. Got a surprise birthday treat from Carlos, our LA’s local host. He asked: “What would you possibly do today if you’re in your hometown now?” I didn’t ha…
Read more[gallery] Free review: SLDC Learning Hotel Date of visit: 30 July 2014 Semalem random aja pilih hotel ini untuk getaway dadakan, karena booking kurang dari 24 jam jadi pilihannya sangat terbatas. Dan karena kita gagal ke The Jungle, jadi seharian explore hotel dan sekitarnya aja. Lokasi: strategis, ga susah carinya. Dekat ke Ahpoong, Ecoartpark, SPH, Taruna…
Read more*Fair warning: please have an open mind to read this post. If you think you can’t, quick, close the window. Only God may judge me. Thanks :) On my birthday last year, hubby asked from 9000 miles away: “Mommy, are you happy?” One simple question that costs a complicated answer. One week after that, a drama happened that made me think of filing for a divorce…
Read more[gallery] So.. My 5 year preschooler drew this wrecking ball and confessed that she watched the original video with her 7 year old sister. You know, the video of Miley being totally naked swinging on the ball :| My natural reaction as a mom was of course to be startled. I was tempted to judge her for doing wrong, but I know it’s not the wise thing to do. So…
Read moreARE YOU WITH THE RIGHT PARTNER? During a seminar, a woman asked,” How do I know if I am with the right person?” The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, “It depends. Is that your partner?” In all seriousness, she answered “How do you know?” Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it’s weighing …
Read more[gallery] ARE YOU WITH THE RIGHT PARTNER? During a seminar, a woman asked,” How do I know if I am with the right person?” The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so he said, “It depends. Is that your partner?” In all seriousness, she answered “How do you know?” Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it’s…
Read more[gallery] Year end rituals: cleaning up and re-organizing things. It gives a good time for contemplating and rearranging priorities. Sometimes we don’t realize what we got until we treasure them. Sometimes we don’t realize what we lost until we found them. Sometimes we keep things that we thought could be useful someday. Sometimes we don’t want to let go th…
Read more[gallery] They say, HOPE is: Hold On, Pain Ends But sometimes, pain never ends unless we eliminate hope Hope for the love that never return Hope for the people that never come back Hope for the past that can never be present Understand that there are impossibilities in this world, and some of them could be those we were hoping for Never say never, especia…
Read more[gallery] Sunset in Rear View Mirror It’s beautiful As it was, always It drags attention To keep looking back It evokes desire To turn back around But life must go on To the destined direction And people have to let go Before causing deeper sorrow
Read moreMy terrace door was locked for several days. I’ve been trying hard to open it but always failed. The harder I pushed the key to the right (open direction), the strongest it seems to stuck. The door was left unopened, and all I got was hurt in my fingers. Today I desperately tried it one more time. I pushed it hard, and again, failed. But suddenly, out of no…
Read more2013 was such a roller coaster year that it took quite some time to think, write down, edit, and finally publish. 2013 was also about dreams come true. I’m often overwhelmed by my own wishes, it seems to always find its way to be fulfilled. Must be extra careful about what I’m wishing for.. Coz God always listens and answers our prayers.. Sooner or way late…
Read more[gallery] While checking my tumblr archive for writing my 2013 reviews, I found this post and overwhelmed.. Just realized that in just 7 months after that, I really got what I wanted. I did swim in that infinity pool with hubby and stayed in that Marina Bay Sands hotel for 3 days. I actually forgot totally that I’ve ever posted that. But the law of attracti…
Read moreWhen we almost arrived home after new year staycation today, hubby asked me: ”Do you ever get bored with me?” I turned to him and asked him back: “Do you ever?” which he responded quickly, “Of course not.” Before I had the chance to answer, we arrived home and the conversation discontinued as we were busy clearing things off from the car. He didn’t seem e…
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