While checking my tumblr archive for writing my 2013 reviews, I found this post and overwhelmed.. Just realized that in just 7 months after that, I really got what I wanted. I did swim in that infinity pool with hubby and stayed in that Marina Bay...

While checking my tumblr archive for writing my 2013 reviews, I found this post and overwhelmed.. Just realized that in just 7 months after that, I really got what I wanted. I did swim in that infinity pool with hubby and stayed in that Marina Bay Sands hotel for 3 days. I actually forgot totally that I’ve ever posted that. But the law of attraction just magically worked out. Amazing :)


Where is it? I want!

About Boredom

When we almost arrived home after new year staycation today, hubby asked me: ”Do you ever get bored with me?”

I turned to him and asked him back: “Do you ever?” which he responded quickly, “Of course not.” 

Before I had the chance to answer, we arrived home and the conversation discontinued as we were busy clearing things off from the car. 

He didn’t seem eager to continue the conversation, perhaps he’s just not ready IF I give him an ugly truth. 

Before & After Camera 360
Iya, itu saya. Semuanya :D
Baru2 ini saja saya memakai aplikasi Camera 360. Iya, iya, ke mana aja saya ya. Sudah lama install tapi baru akhir2 ini menggunakannya. Jadi saya baru tau, ini toh rahasia (tapi sudah bukan rahasia...

Before & After Camera 360

Iya, itu saya. Semuanya :D

Baru2 ini saja saya memakai aplikasi Camera 360. Iya, iya, ke mana aja saya ya. Sudah lama install tapi baru akhir2 ini menggunakannya. Jadi saya baru tau, ini toh rahasia (tapi sudah bukan rahasia lagi) yang bikin para wanita tiba2 terlihat mempesona di semua akun sosial medianya. Sim salabim abrakadabra!

Nggak perlu dandan lama. Nggak perlu operasi plastik. Nggak perlu bolak balik ke klinik. Untuk tampil cantik buat profpic, tinggal klak klik. Mau smoothing? Whitening? Change skin color? Shading? Eye widening? Bahkan facelift? Semua bisa! Gratis. Dan pastinya, instan. Lebih instan dari bikin mie. *jadi lapar* #salahfokus

Lalu saya lakukan tes sosial. Saya pasang hasil polesan Camera 360 di semua sosial media yang saya punya. Hasilnya? Menakjubkan. Bukan hanya proses editnya yg instan, beragam pujian juga datang secara instan. Cantik, bening, amazing, awet muda, yada yada yada. Follower twitter dan instagram meningkat lebih cepat.

Jadi dulu kalau baru pertama kali ketemu teman dunia maya di dunia nyata, komentar yang sering didengar adalah: “Ternyata kamu cakepan aslinya!” dan selalu dijawab, “Wah berarti saya kurang jago edit fotonya”.. Seharusnya jawaban yg benar adalah: “Wah iya fotonya belum dipermak Camera 360!” Hahaha..

Seeing this, I just remember my Indonesian male friend once said,
“In general, only American men want to marry American women because they’re too independent and exalting equality. And in general, Japanese men only want to marry Asian women because...

Seeing this, I just remember my Indonesian male friend once said,

“In general, only American men want to marry American women because they’re too independent and exalting equality. And in general, Japanese men only want to marry Asian women because they always want to be served on everything.”

And tonight I just had conversation with American guy who said,

“My first days living in Indonesia, I’m so mad because I lost my freedom to do everything by myself. I become dependent too much on everyone: driver, maid, office boy, everyone!”

Cultural diversity.

Take a look at that meme above. Come to think of it, I think I get it.
Men feel the love in their heart but they don’t even dare to think about it. That’s why sometimes they just keep it safe and sound to control the damage.
While women, dare to...

Take a look at that meme above. Come to think of it, I think I get it.

Men feel the love in their heart but they don’t even dare to think about it. That’s why sometimes they just keep it safe and sound to control the damage.

While women, dare to think about love all the time especially when there are sweet memories running in their head, and they feel it deeply in their heart.

It’s just men’s way to protect their mind. Coz in fact they’re scared… That the thoughts of love will occupy their mind all the time.

So women may seem weak, but the truth is they’re that brave to think and feel the love, as much as it might cost.

In the state of mad with my heart.

I swear, once I get thru this phase, I would write it down and read it all over again to remind myself, how to get over it, how to live with the consequences, how to fully move on and let go..

I once got thru it and regret myself for not documenting the process, the stages, the tips and tricks on how to do it. Now I have to do it again from the scratch, with bigger stone to crash, a greater memories to dash, the same object to crack.

Lucky I have a life partner who understands me better than anyone could ever do. The one who seems to have enduring patience and amazing ability to empathy. The one who I can discuss anything with. The one who keeps me sane.

One day, sooner later, I will wake up sober.

Monday, November fourth 2013

Dear God,

Please bring peace to the riots of logic and heart.


— NuTS in November Rain
When the time to marry my kids has come one day, I would respectfully let them decide how they want it to be. I would not push or suggest them to have a grande wedding ceremony in a spacious ballroom, invite hundreds or thousands people that only a...

When the time to marry my kids has come one day, I would respectfully let them decide how they want it to be. I would not push or suggest them to have a grande wedding ceremony in a spacious ballroom, invite hundreds or thousands people that only a few they really know, shake their hands one by one with a template smile for hours.. unless if they want it that way. I would be more than happy if they wish to have an intimate garden party, inviting only a few close friends & relatives, mingle with them and make sincere laughters.. Or if they simply want to have a travel wedding: travelling anywhere n put the announcement in newspaper/magz that they’re happily married..

Kemarin di ruang tunggu dokter, saya membaca cerita tentang anak yg kecanduan game online separah kecanduan narkoba, sampai bolos sekolah 3 bulan hanya demi main game, hingga harus diterapi segala. Orangtua sang anak saling menyalahkan, karena tidak ada kesepakatan dalam hal pengasuhan. Sang ibu melarang anaknya main game di warnet, sementara ayahnya justru mengantar jemput ke warnet. Sang ibu tidak mau anaknya diberi uang jajan sejak awal, sementara ayahnya memberikannya uang jajan, yg kemudian dipakai untuk main game online seharian.

Tadi pagi ibu mertua cerita tentang seorang anak yg nakalnya minta ampun, karena kedua orangtuanya tidak kompak dalam pengasuhan, bagaikan musuh dalam selimut. Si ayah sering menjelek2kan ibunya kepada anaknya, sedangkan ibunya juga tidak mengajarkan respek kepada ayahnya. Si ayah terlalu toleran, sementara si ibu terlalu tangan besi. Maka anak itu menjadi tidak hormat pada orangtuanya, pembangkang dan liar.

Benang merahnya adalah, jika orangtua tidak kompak dalam hal pengasuhan, jangan heran jika suatu saat terjadi masalah, kemudian akan saling menyalahkan.